Was Jesus a socialist?

By "socialism", I am thinking of government ownership of the means of production, not some tilt, however slight, in the balance between government and the free market in things economic or even a more balanced distribution of income. However, it seems clear that Christ favored a more balanced distribution of income.

There is a great line in a year one episode of the West Wing about the death penalty that was entitled something like "Take This Sabbath." In the episode, a federal prisoner is being executed at the end of the day, a Sunday, after midnight, and President Barlett dislikes the death penalty but is not going to stay the execution for political reasons. There is a scene when presidential aide Toby and his rabbi are disagreeing about the morality of the death penalty. Toby cities Biblical passages supporting death penalty. The rabbi then cities other passages from the Bible and the Torah supporting the death penalty for adultery and homosexuality and then says something to the effect: "Given what we know, those writings represented the best wisdom of their time. But by today's standards, they are just plain wrong."

And this of course is the really interesting question, isn't it. The Bible consists of stories that were written by someone years after he had heard the stories from somebody who heard the stories years earlier from someone who saw what happened years earlier. Is the New Testament account literally true--and the Gospels do in many instances differ? Or is it simply that the essence of the account is true? And if the account is true, does it convey in every instance what Jesus Christ as God thought an eternal verity?

Heresy. What you are doing is nothing short of doubting the word of god. The next thing you'll do will be to question whether the Constitution may have had flaws or require re-interpretation in the age of space travel.