Was Jesus a socialist?

I would say the answer to this is to look what it says about Capitalism/Business in the Old Testament. (After all this is written by "Profits" who were spoken to by God, The Trinity, 3 in 1 etc.)

There is plenty references in the Old & New Testaments, that explain the Employee / Employer relationship. God never condemned "Capitalism/Business" for being in existence, but he did address the obligations that employers had to employees. And the responsibility for people to themselves, to WORK and be productive to society:

"He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need."
...Eph 4:28

A great deal is also written about the ability of land ownership and making it productive, making a profit is ok, debt is bad etc.. as well.

Bottomline, that is how I "Justify" myself being a Christian and a Conservative at the same time.

Amazing isn't it? That I can come to that conclusion after reading the ENTIRE word of God and not let the let the "question" get framed into what just Jesus had said but what God the Father had also stated. (I don't think the Trinity, Father, Son & Holy Spirit, would conterdict themselves.)