It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

What happens to your side when the uninsured have care and the ERs aren't full of uninsured?
I would imagine that the vast middle, the independent voters that generally determine the elections, will see the merits of the program and reward Democrats for their courage.

What happens when we see stability in insurance rates and the "conservatives" lies are exposed?
Again, I think if this is how things play out, then you'll see Democrats rewarded politically for their vision. It could be a political reward that lasts for a generation, much like the reward Democrats received from the FDR era.

How do the people vote when health care costs stabilize and the Republicans fought only for the benefit of the rich and insurance companies?

Uh, you've run right into the ditch with this rhetoric. The first group that Obama paid off (co-opted into the plan) were the insurance companies. To hear you talk of the evil Republicans fighting for the benefit of the insurance companies is laughable. And regarding the "rich"'s not a "rich" versus "poor" issue. It's a Team Democrat "Rich" Group versus the Team Republican "Rich" Group. To the victor go the spoils, that's the Chicago Way. But please don't try to paint this as the virtuous Democrats versus the evil Republicans. That's laughable.

How are the Republicans going to get insurance companies to vote?
As I said above, the White House put the insurance companies in their pocket as the first order of business.