It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

i dont understand the whole bipartisan thing here. Nobody agrees with anybody. And they never will. At the little health-care summit the Dems basically said "here is what we are doing." To which the Reps replied "we dont like it." To which the Dems retorted "Too bad, we had hoped you would be 'bipartisan.'"

Were you not paying attention for the past year? The healthcare bill didnt just get started with the summit. Going all the way back to last summer, Republicans refused to give any input on it. They waited until like December to even mention what their ideas were (which were then scored by the CBO as adding to the deficit as well). Instead they spent 7 months crying, whining, and fighting it, never offering any alternative.

It was just like their plan for economic recovery. They were extremely vocal opposing the Democrat's plan, and when they announced their "plan" It was one page with a picture, and no specifics of *anything*.

They are not interested in bipartisanship- they are only interested in getting back into power. They have had SEVERAL chances to give feedback on this bill, and, in fact, a LOT of the bill's original proposals were dropped to try and get Republican votes (just like several proposals in the stimulus bill were dropped to try and get Republican votes, which they then went back on and all voted 'no')

Have you been paying attention to anything at all?