But someone still needs to explain to me how this bill, which is so unpopular with so many Americans, and is being passed through a controversial method, is not going to lead to a serious Democratic defeat in the mid-term elections.
I know I already replied to this, but here's even more proof for you:
"Oh nos! The bill is soooper unpopular!!!"
Oh wait, that's just Rassmusen. Let's look at EVERY SINGLE OTHER POLL:
Wow. Looks to me like ever since they started talking about finally passing the bill, even with reconciliation, the bill has been GAINING in popularity!
But that would mean some people just didnt like it because its been dragging on for so long, and that now that it might get passed, theyre starting to favor it again...
But Fox News told me EVERYONE HATES IT! Gee. What a conundrum... believe Rassmusen and Fox News, who obviously have no agenda.... or believe EVERY OTHER POLL OUT THERE....