It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

From your first link:
The Patients' Choice Act of 2009 effectively ends tax breaks for employers who provide health coverage to their workers, choosing instead to give a $5,710 tax cut to families and a $2,290 cut to individuals to help them pay for health insurance coverage. Critics insist that this system would end up costing both business and consumers more over the long term. And some objective analysts have agreed. After all, families are currently paying approximately $12,300 a year for health care today.

Wow, completely take away incentives for my employer to provide insurance and give me far less than a year's premium as a tax deduction. So I'm left paying for all of my medical insurance and get the benefit of paying 35% less taxes on it. In general that means my employer stops paying 50% and I get less than 25% of the money back indirectly. Woo hoo, where do I sign up for this serious reform!

(BTW, my position is the Republicans have been involved in getting the legislation changed so far, not that they've been on the sidelines.)