It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

Is anyone else the slightest bit concerned that the pharmaceutical industry is spending so much money supporting this bill? People continually denounce the evil insurers and their enormous profits, but not a word on Big Pharm and now here's Big Pharm spending $12 million on advertising to pass this bil. They wouldn't be doing this is they didn't stand to profit huge sums.

Thats because they do. It was the deal with the devil so the Democrats could have an ally in this fight so they werent being hit from every angle by every player in the system that profits from this dysfunctional system. This bill will insure more Americans and increase coverages. Pharm industries stand to benefit heavily from that.

In a perfect world you would reform the pharm industry along with the rest of the system in a manner that would lower prices and regulate them tougher. That is something that was included in the 90s bill but is absent in the current proposal.

As it stands we can only hope that when this bill passes it wont be another 50 years til we see another meaningful reform to the system that will still have problems after this bill passes. And hopefully, in that reform, pharmaceutical reform is part of the language.