It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

More proof that passing the bill, even though reconciliation, is better for the Democrats than letting it die... this time, based on polling of "THE INDEPENDENTS" that a few people on here like to keep crying about as proof the Democrats are doomed:
Of the independents polled in Colorado, New Hampshire, and Nevada by Benenson Strategy on behalf of the Service Employees International Union for a survey released Monday afternoon, 32 percent said they'll vote for a Democrat, 33 percent said they'll vote for a Republican, and 34 percent were unsure.

And they didn't like either party's performance in Congress, but a clear advantage went to Democrats: independents: Dems collected a 33 percent approval/64 percent disapproval rating; Republicans, 26 percent approval/71 percent disapproval. [...]

And they want Congress to do something on health care: 69 percent of Independents said that health care is "an urgent problem that requires immediate action" or "serious problem that should be dealt with as soon as possible"--though 63 percent said Democrats had cut "too many deals with special interest groups such as pharmaceutical companies" as a prime complaint with health reform.​

Also backs up disapproval of the pharma deal- but NO Bronco is right- had they taken them on too, we'd be seeing twice as much money going towards defeating the bill.

And what good is cheaper medication when insurance is $1000/month? Take care of the greater need first, then move on to the other one. Dont bite off more than you can chew.