It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

To be perfectly honest - it wasnt directed at you -- but thank you - personally its not that important to me -- I dont like the bill for reasons that have little to do with whether conservatives or liberals like it - But to call this a bill that the democrats really are interested in working with republicans on is a little misleading no matter what those points are --

They were interested in so far as they felt they could gain support, thats why the dumped the public option and added 161 total GOP amendments to the Senate bill. There is nothing wrong with that. But what that led to was concessions to the republicans from all areas. The republicans got more than anything the democrats asked for in substantial bills from the past 6 years when they were in the minority.

To say that Democrats were enthusiastic about adopting republican amendments is probably more than wrong. But to say they werent interested in working with republicans is even more obnoxious considering they felt they NEEDED republicans to get over the filibuster and cover their backs.