Jamie Dukes Mock...

No way the they take a TE that high with this offense unless Olsen is there, and I think that would be improbable.
The saints will address the defense in the first this year unless someone too good to pass up falls in their laps again. Probably coincidence but last year went like this:
1rst: Reggie, offense of course.
2nd: Harper, defense.
4th: Evans, Offense
5th: Nink, Defense
6th: Hass, offense
6th #2: Lay, defense
7th: Strief, offense
7th #2: Colston offense

I know the offense then defense thing may not mean anything but they need a system to decide how their gonna pick in terms of O and D. I say bpa either O or D and alternate, again unless someone falls thats too good to let pass. I think thats why they traded down last year. They were still able to get Harper, he was the highest rated defensive player available when they picked and they must have figured he would still be there if they traded down. Plus they were able to get Faine in the deal. I also remember hearing they were high on D. Ryans too, so maybe they had him and Harper graded about the same and figured they could get one of them while filling the need at center. I just don't think the alternation from O to D in each round is a coincidence. I also realize this theory doesn't hold up in the later rounds, but after you get past the fifth they probably just go with some longshots at whatever positions and see if they stick ie. Strief and Colston.

Sorry if I kind of hijacked the thread. I am in a sort of rant mode today. :)