Half Catahoula / Half Dachshund

I own two Catahoulas and one Dachsund, but I can't tell you anything about what happens when you mix them. FWIW, I can tell you that the Catahoulas are pretty mean and dumb as stumps. The Dachsund on the other hand is aggressive for her size, but smart and incredibly stubborn.

Well apparently you got some bad luck, because I've been around Catahoulas for years now and haven't come across a "dumb" one, as you put it, yet. In fact I would go as far as saying they are one of the more intelligent breeds out there. As far the other post about exercising for two hours a day, that just depends on the dog.. My catahoula has been trained to be mainly a house dog, she's basically a 55 lb lap dog, if I would let her on my lap. I walk her for about 30 minutes 4-5 times a week, but I just started doing this and she's 9 years old. I've never had any problems outside of your normal puppy training problems with her, and she is really smart, and I'm not just saying that because she is mine. She was born deaf yet I taught her sign language, she knows about 6-7 commands, I wouldn't call that a dumb breed.