Tea Party begins to split

I get you don't like those things, but how is a LIBERAL/Leftist jumping for joy over his performance?
Yeah... he's *just* like Bush..

health care reform, stem cell research, ungagging of scientists, reduced nuclear weapons, an improving economy, greater rights of states to legalize marijuana, more rights for gays, lower income taxes for 98% of America, lowest overall taxes in 60 years, an end to the job loss crisis, greater fuel economy standards, credit reform, a reduction in the war in Iraq (say what you want about Afghanistan, but don't forget that Iraq has been far more costly, deadly, and morally nebulous), a much-improved relationship with Russia, improved relations with Cuba, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, investments in alternative energy, a crackdown on tax havens, an end to the abuse of the stop-loss program, and an executive order forbidding torture...

And this is just ONE YEAR. Still to come in Year 2: The end of combat troops in Iraq (followed by removal of ALL troops in Year 3), Financial Reform to install tougher regulations on Wall St and banks, and tougher environmental regulations.

Yeah, what a failure in terms of liberal ideals.