Original Dome Patrol Poster


paypal payments are trickling in. you guys should start getting notices of shipping because im printing everyones shipping labels just to start getting things organized.

i got the proof in today from the print company. a few small things with it that i notice and no one else does. my girlfriend insists that i have greater than 20/20 vision due to the fact that i can always find something wrong with visuals. i have a 42 in lg tv 1080p 120hz and sometimes i complain about the quality. just my nature

with that said, going to tell them to tweak it out a bit more and send me a digital proof. everything is going smoothe and ETA of sometime the end of next week is still what its looking like. like i said, the faster everyone gets payments in the better. i know you guys can wait an extra day or two since you guys have waited this long.

any questions, email me
