Theisman picks Steelers too.

Well it looks like another one doesnt believe we are going to win, Golic picked against us. You guys ever get that feeling that even if by some chance the saints were to win the superbowl the media still wouldnt give us credit. I can see it now, they would say " Well the saints did win the superbowl but they still are going to need to win another one to prove to us that they are for real."

If the Saints were to win the SUperbowl this year, which I think may still be a bit of a stretch, it's likely to be viewed by some as a measure of a decline of the quality of the NFL as much as how improved the Saints organization is...

That's just because we're the Saints. But we need to cross that threshold.

The Steelers were a sorry, losing franchinse for 40 years prior to the 1970s. Perennial bottom feeders. 40 years as losers!

No one remembers that now.

It only took us 20 years to get to the point of at least having some success, although no championships yet.