Evidence for God
People who believe will always find reasons to prove they are right. Others will always find ways to prove they are wrong.
Actually, I think the problem is that nobody can prove anything.
This is where the truth is.
There is no definitive understanding of where the first organism came from and this is where both evolution/athiest believers and God believers are at odds. This is where agnostics just shrug and say "I don't care".
No one knows where life REALLY started. One of the "great minds" of evolution once said "maybe it was aliens" when he was cornered to come up with where the first organic life came from.
Believers in a singular God (doesn't matter which religion) cannot prove His existence or that God created the first organic life either. The bottom line is that you either choose to believe that we are an accident of nature or that there is "intelligent design" from a Creator.
The argument from atheists is: "If there was a God that did it all this, then why doesn't He show Himself? Why don't we see miracles happening that believers attribute to God in a more apparent way? Such as a limb re-appearing on a stump?" It doesn't make sense to them.
The argument from believers is "How can you think all these complex organisms evolved into even more complex organisms when science shows that DEVOLVING is the way nature seems to go, not EVOLVING." (Nature's version of entropy.) That doesn't make sense to them.
Both are reasonable questions. One has to search his own soul and figure out if they think there is a Creator that they are beholden to or think that life is just over after we die and it's all just a chance existence. It's easier to live life not thinking about it, so many lean one way or another but avoid the topic and let life just go on.