Evidence for God

I would have to disagree with you. Even hardcore Atheists have to ask some basic questions that can't be answered. Why are we here? Are we just some accident that wasn't suppose to happen? What's the point in life in general? Even Einstein saw intelligent design in the universe. I want to thank the original poster for such an awesome site. It will take me a while to read through most of it.

First, it is a common misconception about Einstein that he was talking about god. That's not what he meant and the quotes you have seen are out of context. The design he saw was base level physics, not "God."

Second, what do you think the answers to the questions you pose mean? I can answer them, for example, 1) There is no reason we are here, we just are; 2) We are here by chance; 3) There is no point to life other than enjoying it as much as you can, but i don't see what answering those questions is supposed to prove or not prove.