Evidence for God

Those cute little loopy tidbits of nothing entertain some people and can even illicit some retarTed conversational retorts.

If there is no creator, then why is there nothing instead of something? What is nothing? Is nothing the absence of something or is nothing, in and of itself, something. Or, is all of this just linguistic break dancing?

You just gave a philosophical reply to a scientific question. My question was straightforward. Your answer was not. Don't try to minimize the validity of the question by calling it "cute" or using the term "retarTed" in your reply. I have seen it so many times: Atheists/Agnostics trying to paint the creationism worldview and it's proponents as uneducated or trite--resorting to personal attacks instead of just following the evidence wherever it leads. Hopefully a reasonable and sincere person can see through what they're doing. But it's fine if you can't answer the question. It only proves my point.