Evidence for God

So, I guess if you call that "faith" then you might be right by definition, but I don't think any theist is talking about that process of thinking when he says he believes by faith. By faith, I think a theist means that they don't require any evidence or proof other than what they feel and know in their hearts and minds. And, there is nothing that I believe in relation to science, or anything else for that matter, that I believe only because I feel it in my heart (whatever that means) or mind.

How do you define "faith"?

Faith: confidence or trust in a person or thing (sourced from Dictionary.com)

There are many definitions for faith, some of which are limiting and some of which are all-encompassing. I think the above definition summarizes it pretty well. Faith can be based either upon proof, or upon a lack of proof.

The primary difference I can see in your belief in quantum physics etc. and my belief in God is that you believe your stance to be "probably correct" while I believe mine to be absolutely correct. You have more people that agree with you, to be sure. Of course, what is in my "heart" is entirely inaccessible to another, so there is no surprise there. Belief should engender confidence. What is worse: believing in something you anticipate to be disproven, or believing in something that cannot be proven? Because that appears to be the pet peeve you drive home.

Of course, that asks a question that science isn't interested in. Science deals only with the natural world and the machinations of that world. Religion deals with attitudes, human behavior, and the nature of being. There is room for both in the human mind, even if one prefers there not to be.