Evidence for God

From an academic/philosophical stand point, I think it's very difficult to make absolute statements in this regard. One can honestly argue for and against God. In one's heart, I think there comes a decision, a leap of faith in either direction. This will no doubt upset the resident atheists. But it's my opinion that atheism is as much a statement of belief as is an affirmation of God. One cannot disprove God anymore than he can prove Him by the same standards. Just my opinion.

The ultimate origin of existence is beyond human scope, so far as we can tell, yes. We can continue to push the existence point further and further back, but there is always an origin point that is likely to remain outside our scope of empirical knowledge.

Ergo metaphysical answers, including the existence of a supreme being always have some validity. If you water it down enough, the existence of a "creator" cannot, and likely never will be, disproved.

However that the aforementioned "creator/supreme being" is as defined by Christian tradition is very, very much up for rational debate.