Evidence for God

"Whatever". "It". From there we get to bearded duded who gets off on tormenting Egyptians how?

No, there isn't. Because the notion of 'before' there was such a thing as Time is nonsensical. Unless Time was happening somewhere outside our dimension, from whence some event caused matter to happen inside our universe.

It remains unanswered because it's a meaningless question. Why wouldn't there be something? Do you know of a force or mechanism preventing it which a Creator is needed in order to overcome? Heck, just reverse it, does it really make any less sense? If the natural state of the universe was "stuff", we'd need a Creator (Destructor, in this example) in order to have "nothing".

Not a Creator, but an Event.


I want my cookie.

Even before I believed in God, I had a hard time wrapping my head around "forever" and now as a Christian, the idea of "eternity" still is incomprehensible. I think anyone who says that they "get" eternity or forever is full of it. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Athiest. It doesn't matter, still a mind boggling thought.