Evidence for God

Because it ("something") has always been here.

How is that any less logical then "A Being that exists beyond time/space/matter created it?"

Just because you don't want to accept it doesn't mean it isn't as perfectly valid of an answer as "God did it."

I'm glad you at least admit that Atheism isn't any more "logical" than Creationism. It's a start. Still, one of them must be true. To me, the principles of cause/effect relationships demand that this universe, which is an effect, has a cause. Creationists don't claim that God is an effect of anything. Even if you ask the question, "where did God come from?", which is a valid question, you still have to ask the question, "where did the universe come from?" Personally, I think it's much more logical and intellectually honest to say you're not sure whether there is a God (Agnositcism) than to say you know without a doubt there is no God (Atheism). Agnosticism says "I'm not sure." Atheism says, "I have checked everywhere there is to check, and I know nobodoy's out there," which is impossible to do.