Evidence for God

Great question. I belive it is because the devil makes us suffer. In Revelations 2:10 Jesus says, "I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you...Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life." What Jesus is saying is that when bad things happen to us it is the devil who is causing harm, only to test us. The devil does prevail in taking people's lives. Personally one of the strongest Christians I've ever known died out of the blue. The autopsy showed no reason of why he died. I believe that it was the devil taking away one of God's strongest followers.

If God and his compadres created heaven and earth and, presumably, the devil; and they created and control everything, isn't this argument a cop out? It's like saying God told the devil to be mean to you, but it wasn't really God's doing.

I used to hold my little brother's arms when we would get in fights and make him punch himself because my dad told me I wasn't allowed to hit him. It worked for me at 5 or 7, but it's not good enough for God.