Ernie (Big Cat) Ladd
There's a conspiracy going on around here Boyd Pierce.
I started pulling for the heels at a very young age, largely because of the Big Cat. And yes, he was a very nice man in person. Nice, and
LARGE! I had a chance to meet a lot of the old Mid South guys when I was a kid, mainly the heels because those were the guys I liked. As a kid, it used to blow my mind how nice many of them were. At about age 10 or so I once asked The Missing Link "So you're not really psycho?" He LOLed.
Heels I've met that were super good guys:
All the Freebirds
Skandor Akbar
Paul Orndorff
Great Kabuki (Snuck up behind me, I was maybe 10 or 11, grabbed me and picked me up, I was scared out of my mind. Put me down, smiled and gave me a pat on the head. Never spoke, I'm not sure if he knew english.)
Butch Reed