Evidence for God

Right. That's what I was trying to say...maybe God evolves??? :duckinglightningbolt:

Many stories in the Bible would tend to agree that He does...

...or maybe it's just us evolving. Maybe, much as a parent dealing with a toddler, God humors us in our misconceptions, and really enjoys it when someone amongst mankind takes that "next step".

If you look at God's "favorites" throughout the Bible (Old Testament, particularly), they weren't so much the folks that obeyed without question. They were usually the folks who dared to question Him. :scratch:

About God evolving... God's a relational God so he created us with free will. We have grown and advanced as humans and not that any of it is a surprise to God but He still responds to a sincere and earnest desire to know him. Just like humans do with other humans. The whole premise is that we're not his robots so obviously he would grow, adapt, evolve, whatever... with us. This doesn't conflict with "Jesus the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow" either. That speaks of his role as Diety. God responds to every human different based on thier individual needs. Moses and Abraham both questioned god about matters involving people and how it might affect them and consequently changed his mind on the subject. But I don't think most folks view God this way. They see him as some angry man who wants all the attention. Or they don't believe in him at all. Writing it off as some folklore that's been regurgitated since the beginning of mankind.

What I've discovered is a real being who wants to know me way more than I could ever want to know him. A supernatural relationship with a spiritual being. You can't put it under a microscope and I have zero tangible to show for it. I can't prove it. But it's as real as the chair I'm sitting in.