Evidence for God
Interesting take. Could be.
Today we see in a mirror dimly...
...as did they in Jesus' day.
There was no "homogeneous" interpretation of "The Law" back then, much as there isn't any now. The Sadducees and the Pharisees were pretty-much at each others' throats over their differences of their own interpretations of Mosaic Law...and that's what Jesus used to hang them up.
When questioned about it, Jesus would reply to them, "What did Moses tell you?". He never said, "What did God tell you?" or "What did I tell you?", it was always some point in what Moses had written that they would challenge Him on, and then He'd turn it around and show where Moses had "bent the law" by having to adapt it to the foolish hearts of men (e.g. bills of divorcement).
So, really, Jesus was trying to point out that "nobody got it right", and "Moses made some of it up"....but there I go leaning on my own understanding...;)
My take: God's Law is not written in a book, it's written in the heart. Either one has it or one doesn't. All the "book learning" in the World will not save one from one's own foolish heart. It's much why He left us with the "Comforter"...
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