Evidence for God

Okay. Bear with me. I'm kinda typin' while I'm tryin' to work this out. We were created "in the image" of God, right? As a species, over the generations, we've evolved, correct? Odds were good that my great great grandfather was much shorter than I am, true?. Heck, during the course of our own lifetimes, our physical appearance changes drastically, that much is evident, even to one as slow as I am. From infancy to adolescence to adulthood through the geriatric years, our bodies metamorphosize greatly, sometimes accompanied by great pain, signifying a rapid change.

Where am I going with all this? Who's to say that our creator even remotely resembles us any more? All the pictures that we see depict Jesus as a man very much like ourselves. The likelihood of that being the case is remote at best. The vast majority of the surviving icons were done more than a thousand years after His death. During the millenia since his crucifixion, mankind as a whole has changed drastically. During that same time period, who's to say that He hasn't grown himself? If we were designed to mimic him, then logically, he evolves as well, doesn't He? He could be a noncorporeal plasma, for all we know by this point.

Here's another possibility for you: We're still waiting for the second coming, true? How do we know that we didn't miss it? Maybe He returned during the middle ages, was burned as a heretic ("He said he was Jesus Christ? Stone him first, and then burn Him"). After that, can you blame Him for not wanting to come back? If he had returned anytime during the first half of the 20th century, he'd have been institutionalized, given shock treatments, and most likely lobotomized. (Yeah, that's a race that I want to help) Maybe He returned in the guise of an algonquin maiden, living in peace and harmony with the nature which He helped create. Yeah, they fared well.

I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there.....