Al qaeda is happy too!

Actually, I think Al Queda (however you spell it) should be quite worried right now. The election has forced Bush to reconsider his counsel. Bush seems to be turning toward Baker for advice and recommendations. This can only help us internationally.

Again, we can agree.

And if you were willing to talk man to man to the Syrians, they would help us flush out Al Queda.

The Syrian regime, liberal democrats or not, are secular Baathists as well. They are enemies of Al Queda and Islamic fundamentalism.

The only real impediment to a productive relationship with Syria, in terms of our core national interests, is that Israel covets Syrian terrirory and the Israeli lobby demands that we be an enemy of Syria for their sake, in the name of permanently annexing the Golan Heights.

Israel is also keeping its options open for the future. As their population grows and they encourage further immigration and (illegal) settlement, they will need more water resources.

There will be only one way for them to get control of more water.