WDSU reporter blocked access on Grand Isle

Here ya go:



Of course BP will limit visuals of the devastation, the same way the Pentagon prevents or discourages coverage of casuaties.

The more interesting but is the reports of sore throats and headaches among clean-up workers, in conjuction with:


Yeah, well the problem is that the Pentagon is our Federal gov't, this is a private company controlling public land. I have a huge problem when private industry is allowed to exert this much control. Our federal gov't looks more lame by the day. BP is what I expect them to be: a company trying to protect it's butt and shareholders at all costs. They could give "you know what" about our wildlife, land, you, or me - only to the extent they have to to keep their butts out of hot water. It is our gov't job to call them on their BS, and apply the heat.

This whole disaster is what happens when industry has our gov't in its pocket. Our failure to properly regulate the industry paved the way for this whole mess to happen.