Having Babies
My sister had a boy tonight. 7 pounds, 15 ounces. 20 inches long. And very angry to have been disturbed. Long day. They started inducing at 1 a.m. Tuesday morning, and at quarter of eight p.m. she finally pushed him out. My BIL, my mom and me were in the room with her, along with what seemed like a dozen nurses and the doctor. Everybody seems fine. It's odd...my sister took 19 hours to get hers. Mine took a whopping 36 hours. But our mother had both of us in about 2 hours each time. Seems like that would have been a good gene to inherit. Not that it was bad. The only thing I can remember in terms of discomfort was being totally wiped out. My sister seems to be the same. She's easily agitated normally, but her spirits were good and pleasant all day. Long time, but not bad. Anyhow, my brother-in-law, who never shows any kind of tender emotion, was moved to tears. He choked it back pretty quickly, but it was nice to glimpse it. I had about a 30 second episode of "baby fever," but I'm very much over it. Birth affects people so differently. Some people turn into cheerleaders over it. Other people are frightened to death of the prospect of it. Some dads' heads swell so big when their child is born, while others are utterly humbled. Anyone care to share their memories or thoughts on having babies?