Having Babies

Movies are movies. Don't go by that. Also, don't associate with women who like to tell you how AWFUL and EXCRUCIATING and traumatic it is to have a baby. It's not a contest. Yes, some women have terrible trouble. Most don't. Yes, some women have complications. Most don't. And even those who do--I had the blood pressure thing and another thing that I will spare the fellas the details about--usually it works out. You're in a professional environment with skilled people, doing the most ordinary thing you can possibly do. Don't make it a big deal until it is one, and don't listen to those women who tell bad stories.

Oh I know it's just a movie but its can also be very real. Some of the women telling me stories are my very close friends, who have had miserable experiences, some I was around for afterwards. I think it's not so much the fear of the labor and birth as it is of the change in our lives. I have been married for almost 15 years and you get very comfortable with how your life is. I am still young and have time (although my nagging mother disagrees) but I just don't know if I will be really ready again. We were seriously thinking about it before Katrina but then our lives were turned upside. I haven't felt the same since.