Having Babies
humbling - mine is 2.5 yrs and i still don't know who i am independent of his father
(i was a pretty productive performing artist before he was born, now my creative output involves trains and buzz lightyear - which i am more than fine with)
my wife had to get a c-section - we were trying to a vbac but her cervix had other ideas.
after a routine visit we went to our favorite breakfast place (surreys) and she felt him drop so we thought we were on the clock - evidently he hopped back up
starting friday she started have little contractions and we weren't sure if he was coming (everyone said "oh, you'll know")
the contractions became more frequent (but still not more intense) the hospital said to come on in - luckily our OB was on duty - she had been with us on the vbac but we were almost 2 weeks past, and she just said - look let's just go get him
an hour later we had our son - i sat with her on the other side of the magic sheet - i was mostly concentrating on keeping her calm (and trying not to get freaked out at how much blood and goop was on the floor)
they put us in the room across the hall and they let me hold my son and my life started again