San Diego Book Signing Today

I was also there, ErikH pretty much summed it up. Really glad I made it. Took a silver sharpie and Drew signed it on the cover. I saw him sign a few personal items. A guy in front of me I line went to Purdue with Brees and had him sign a picture of them taken in college. He also signed a football for a guy in a wheelchair that came down from Orange County. The crowd actually cheered when he signed the football for the guy.

You must have been in line just a bit behind me; the guy in the wheelchair was two people behind me. When one of the club employees was walking through the line explaining the rules and the procedures he started complaining and two other employees and a photographer came over to talk to him. I didn't stick around after I got through the line so I didn't see what happened when he got through.
I DVR'd the Fox5 news last night; I still have to watch it to see if I made it on there.
Interestingly, there was no coverage of the event in the U-T this morning.