What do you use to shave?

Wow. I expected at least half the responses to be electric. I used to use a blade but always wanted to get an electric. So I treated myself about 7 years ago to a nice Panasonic electric razor. I would not go back to a blade if you paid me. I have not had a razor bump or discomfort in 7 years. It takes me less than 30 seconds to shave if I have shaved in the last 3 days. And my skin is still as soft as it was at 23. And it costs me nothing after the initial expense.

You guys seriously need to check out an electric razor. Dollar for dollar, one of the best investments I have ever made.

i have tried electric razors...they tear my face up and they never seem to get close ebough

and i can shave with a razor in about 2 minutes so time isn't really a factor