I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

Well shizzle, the thing that most people see in the meaning of the word liberal is that its to close to the word communism or socialism, or the kind we saw in Soviet Russia and china under Moa. thats the perception some people get with the word and term liberal, America is very at the most principles very libertarian, where you get the problems is that it was made by very what I call conservative men who were very knowing of its contradictions. Take Jefferson for example, Shizzle, he said all men are created equal in the DOI, and yet he owned slaves ,as well as many other Founding Fathers, thats the biggest thing they get in their legacies, they didnt go far enough in slavery and ending it, and when they didnt, bad things usually happened like the Civil War and Segregation after it.

Jefferson may have been a great man of law and equality, but as a man who studies history, he failed on the slavery issue, big time as as matter of fact.
he knew it probably, he knew what it mgiht do later on down the road but ignored it.
Big way to look at the how the Constitution is looked at isnt it?

Great points, 2884. On the latter point, though it's a bit much to expect Jefferson to be an abolitionist given the time he lived.

Point: This here is a sight better than implicitly or overtly categorizing one party or the other as being in bed with Al-Queda.

What's missing from political discourse right now is just that--political discourse. A real discussion of the issues vis a vis the Constitution, history, the "general will," etc.