If you love the Saints and the song "Heart of the city (WhoDat)", make sure you become a fan TODAY

Were definitely going to do something new for this season, but the support and acclaim for this song has been to the point where we are going to push Heart of the city a little further before we bring out the new material. This song is proving to be one that is going to stick around and become a staple in our celebration of the Saints. Yet, believe it or not, there are SOOOO many members of the Who Dat Nation who haven't even heard the song yet, which means we still have some work to do. We have been trying to convince the Saints to play the song in the Superdome during games since last season, but that is proving to be tough. Talked to CST yesterday and they are considering us as well, so the wheels are definitely turning.....

I personally would like to thank you guys, The Who Dat Nation (the saintsreport family in particular) for all of your support thus far. You guys have been the lifeline to this song and we appreciate you. We won't stop until every Saints fan feels the way you guys feel about Heart of the City...
I heard the longest version of the song with the acompanying video on you-tube while searching for Saints highlihts from last year. I don't know if you guys can ever come up with another song to match this one. I think it is by far the best Saints song I have ever heard. It is the perfect mixture of the spirit of the team & their efforts & hard work mixed with the felling of all Saints fans about their team. Gongrats on a magnificent masterpiece. BTW, I am definitely not a rap fan, but this song had great meaning to me as a Saints fan.