I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table
Gun Control: handguns/rifles yes, assault weapons/RPGs/SAMs no, mandatory licensing, background checks, and education.
Gay Marriage: let everyone marry/civilly unionize or get the government out of the business.
Abortion: morning after yes, first trimester yes, any time for mother's health, mandatory sex-ed and free birth control.
Church and State: remove it and keep it out.
Taxes: support more progressive taxation and inheritance taxes (~25 million+ adjusted with inflation), fair corporate tax policy.
Foreign Policy: stop being the world's police, withdraw from Iraq ASAP.
Education: federal funding and research, revamp public education methods, don't treat kids like criminal sardines, offer free higher education.
Trade: free but fair (human rights, environmental standards) trade.
Welfare: some of the population will always need it, WIC and unemployment good, unlimited welfare bad, focus on job training and placement.
Campaign Finance: fully public campaign finance, restrict 527s/PACs.
Death Penalty: against, costs too much, doesn't serve a purpose beyond vengeance, don't trust our justice system.
Social Security: open to limited privatization, stop the government from raiding it.
Energy: do everything possible to reduce oil consumption. Strict pollution controls on coal, large push for solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative energy adoption/research. Open to new nuclear technology. Raise natural gas prices.
Environment: a top 3 issue, we have an ethical obligation to protect the environment. Natural resources should be used in a responsible and renewable manner.
Immigration: overhaul the management of the current system, encourage immigration of those with advanced degrees, seal the border then offer amnesty and documentation for all current residents.
Civil Liberties: another top 3 issue, government should expand our freedoms not restrict them.
Health Care: universal health care to control rising costs and remain competitive with other industrialized nations, focus on prevention rather than treatment, revamp the FDA.
Drug Policy: legalize it, tax it, offer treatment for addicts.