I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

Copy and paste rules. Sorry Sev, im stealing your formatting. :hihi: ..and some of your answers too.

Gun Control:
handguns/rifles yes, assault weapons/RPGs/SAMs no, mandatory licensing, background checks, and education.

Gay Marriage: I think this is down to a state issue. On a personal level I oppose it, on a level of outside of what I think, I cant justify fully opposing it, but not fully accepting all aspects of it. Yeah, im sorta riding the fence on this one.

Abortion: morning after yes, first trimester yes, any time for mother's health, mandatory sex-ed and free birth control.

Stealing Sev's opinion here, but I will add, I'm loath to screw with free will. The thing is, I may not like someones choices, but that doesn't mean I have the right to impose my beliefs on another because I think its wrong. I inherently oppose abortion. What cracks me up is the religious folk, who are so concerned for the lives of the unborn. So am I to gather from this concern(or what could easily be construed as lack of faith in said God's plan), that God(or insert any chosen deity here, or modality of God) doesn't have a plan for the unborn? hasn't forseen(and subsequently planned for) this? I'm not worried about the unborn, its the living I fear/fear for.

Church and State: remove it and keep it out.

Taxes: support more progressive taxation and inheritance taxes (~25 million+ adjusted with inflation), fair corporate tax policy.

Foreign Policy: stop being the world's police, withdraw from Iraq ASAP.

Education: federal funding and research, revamp public education methods, don't treat kids like criminal sardines, offer free higher education.

Trade: free but fair (human rights, environmental standards) trade.

Welfare: some of the population will always need it, WIC and unemployment good, unlimited welfare bad, focus on job training and placement.

Campaign Finance: This is a tough one of me. I am not fully educated in the matter, so if I some ignorant in this matter, so be it. I think one of the things that irritates me the most is watching an elected official take time out of his work schedule, for a $xxx a plate dinner or whatever to raise monies for party or whatever. seeing one party have x millions of dollars more then the other also bothers me. Id like to see these people draw equally from a fund in which all participants get equal amounts of monies. what they do with it is their business form that point on, as long as its spent for their campaigns of course. I do not want to see Individual and companies loading huge sums of monies into a party or individual.

Death Penalty: I'm all for it. and i'm all for enforcing the legal system to be more judicious in handing it out, and enforcing DNA checking policies accross the country. I think this country has been really lacking in strong punishments for crimes, and therefore using it as a deterant will often fail.

Social Security: Strongly against privatizing any part of it. I am strongly for locking it up so that no one can dip into the monies for any reason whatsoever. Workers Comp is privatized here, i've seen whats been done to it, and I want no part of it.

Energy: do everything possible to reduce oil consumption. Strict pollution controls on coal, large push for solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative energy adoption/research. Open to new nuclear technology. Raise natural gas prices.

Environment: a top 3 issue, we have an ethical obligation to protect the environment. Natural resources should be used in a responsible and renewable manner.

Immigration: overhaul the management of the current system, encourage immigration of those with advanced degrees, seal the border then offer amnesty and documentation for all current residents.

The only part I disagree with is the last part of the above statement. We need to correct our errors first, and at the same time overhaul and reform our immigration policies. I'm all about building a fence(and not some half assed job of it either, and forget video survailance and unmanned drones for patrolling porposes) and kicking most of those here illegally out. Im also all about encouraging Mexico strongly, to get their collective ____ together to make their country a little more appealing for their own residents to stay there and become a better country. I am insulted by our elected officials who think its ok to absorb a huge chunk of another countries poor population, when we already have enough problems to deal with within our own.

Health Care: universal health care to control rising costs and remain competitive with other industrialized nations, focus on prevention rather than treatment, revamp the FDA.

Ill add this, I think it should be law, or, something to that effect, that physicians and providers are not allowed to charge patients without insurance the same rates or higher that they do insruance companies. Anyone who has lived without medical for a number of years knows exactly what i'm talking about.