I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

Gun Control - The definition of proper gun control is the ability to hit your target. All joking aside, contrary to some people's belief, there is still the very real need for the right to bear arms. But not assault rifles you say? Why? What difference does it make? "Assault" weapons are little more than hunting rifles/shotguns with a different style.

Gay marriage - For legal purposes we should start using the term 'civil unions' and be done with it. Marriage is inherently a religous status and should be handled within the confines of the church. If two men, or two women, want to become legally bound, fine by me. It's none of my business.

Abortion - A tough, tough subject which I feel is best left to the individual states to decide.

Church and State - To quote a rock band, "you got to keep 'em seperated". For all those who feel God must be in government and that government must be religious, I ask you: Which God and which religion do you wish to have? Chances are you wouldn't want the same thing as the person across the street. You want to live in a country where religion is government? Move to Saudi Arabia or Iran.

Taxes - Our present tax & spend system is woefully broke. There is no reason for people to be taxed over and over and over on the same dollar. People should not be taxed on what they earn or save, rather on what they expend. Go to a consumption tax system.

Foreign Policy - We need to get out of the business of trying to police the world. There also needs to be a break in this ideology that the War in Iraq is part of the War on Terrorism. They're not. We cannot simply abandon Iraq at this point (ala Powell's "you break it you own it" analogy), but there needs to be a coherent and aggressive plan to give Iraq back to the Iraqis in full. We should have focused our military strength on Afghanistan and finished the job there. If we had, OBL wouldn't be alive and we wouldn't be bogged down in Baghdad.

Education - Broke, broke, broke. Our teachers are being forced to "teach the tests" and our children's education is suffering as a result. I'm not sure what should be done to fix it.

Trade - Free trade is fine as long as it equitable. We should increase tariffs to offset a reduction in taxes.

Welfare - Again, it's broke, broke, broke. I'm not advocating a full abolition, but it needs to be dramatically scaled down. People can and do take better care of their neighbors than the government can.

Campaign Finance - I don't believe the government should finance one's desire to run for office. At the same time, I don't believe the Republicrats should have the monopoly.

Death Penalty - I support it where there is irrefuitable evidence (such as DNA).

Social Security - How did we ever exist without it? /sarcasm

Energy - Eliminate, or at least severely curtail, our dependency on oil. Biomass fuels are the answer.

Environment - I break with the classical Libertarian ideas here a bit. I don't believe corporations will take care of the environment. Do a bit of research on Anniston, AL and the environmental problems we have here and you'll see what I mean.

Immigration - Unless you are 100% Native American, someone in your past immigrated here. Think about that for a second.

Civil Liberties - Abolish the "Patriot" Act. Call off the "War" on Drugs. Get out of the bedrooms of consenting adults. The relentless chipping away of liberties (one bite at a time) will eventually result in an America that has less freedoms than the former Soviet Union. That being said, liberties must always be balanced with responsibility and the protection of those who can't protect themselves.