ESPN's Pat Y: Ranking the NFC South RBs

I've heard how excellent their running backs are every year for the last, oh, five or so years at least, but I can only wonder if they'll ever actually live up to the praise they receive so constantly and turn those highly touted running backs into wins. :idunno:
Meanwhile, our own "over-rated bust of a 1st round pick" (as the New York and Houston media love to to say) is wearing a Superbowl Ring... :scratch:
How about both of them rushing for over 1,000 yards and averaging over 5 yds/carry. I would call that living up to the praise. The reason Carolina isn't winning games has nothing to do with their RBs. They've both done their part, and this is a total team game. I love Reggie, but you can't say he's had a better individual career than these 2 backs just because we won a championship.