I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

While it is almost as if Severum performed a Vulcan mind meld on me when I wasn't looking, I must say ra's contribution to the thread did give me cause to ponder just where I am philosophically at this point in my life.

His sheer and utter grasp of the complexity of the issue (nay, issues) is how discourse must be conducted. While one may or may not share his interpretation of the nuances of the issues and how each has dictated what our geo-political culture has become, you must agree with the depth and breadth at which he delicately and elegantly unlocks the true meaning of what each these issues means, not only for us, but for those who walked before and those who shall walk after us.

Thank you sir. I am not worthy.

Purple threemonkey dishwasher.