I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table
I think you are a liberal and your own post proves it.
You dont state your position on gun control. Both sides cite the second amendment.
Same for the marriage stuff.
If the constitution was not open for different interpretations there wouldn't be much need for lawyers.
Your position on church and state is liberal. The founding fathers never intended the silly state of affairs we have now.
Anyone who can mention corporate welfare without giggling at the absurdity of such a concept is a liberal. A basic grasp of what a corporation is shoots that whole thing down in flames. Is your tax refund welfare?
Most of the rest you admit you are liberal.
The only remotely conservative stance you take is free trade but you contradict yourself on that one 5 times.
Let's just say that we disagree what the terms "conservative" and "liberal" mean.
And your claim, re: founding fathers has no basis in historical reality. This country was not founded on the religious values alone. Religious people established the government, but they were suspicious of any concentrated power, especially religious. This country's founding documents were steeped heavily in Enlightenment rationalism of John Locke, Monteque, and Rosseau especially. Your claim that the founding fathers wanted to give the church a signficant influence in the government is just simply specious. They were intelligent enough to see that Europe had killed each other wholesale because of the intermixing of religious issues and secular government. In sum, I think you're woefully misinformed here.
And your comment about "corporate welfare," is specious, too. Corporations are given huge tax incentives and subsidies--while not "welfare" per se, corporations are milking the government just as any poor person would on welfare who is taking advantage of the system.
Regarding the 2nd Amendment, appearently you misunderstood my position. Others didn't--I'm for zero laws abridging gun owners' rights.
Gay marriage--Since marriage is a civil contract, constitutionally, it falls under the perview of "Reserved Powers" not delegated specifically given the federal gov't in the Constitution. And since marriage licenses are issued by states, it's a state issue. This stance is per the Constitution, per "true" conservative, states' rights values.
It's clear that you are a big-government conservative who believes in giving religion and big corporations uncecessary power.