Why Are Americans Backing Off With The War on Terror?

TPS, and to everyone...you know what I really support?! I support fighting, one on one with the enemies that claimed responsibility for what occurred on 9/11. That is 100% of what I support. And they have said, clearly to us and the rest of the world that their name is Al Qaeda. Now I hear that "Al Qaeda in Iraq," claims 12,000 troops in Iraq fighting the Americans. To me, it seems on target with what we are doing. Al Qaeda is trampling on the same soil as American troops. Can we get any closer??? And I find it VERY disturbing that Al Qaeda has publicly expressed, through the television AND the internet, joy and victory, over the Democrats having victory in the United States with our most recent election. Certainly, this HAS to be the ultimate insult to anyone who is joyous over a Democrat victory with the last elections. Something is TRULY up if we are at war with a group that attacked our country, on the homeland, and they are expressing joy over a party that recently claimed victory in an election. Not only is that suspect, to the rest of the world, but, it is a major slap in the face to anyone who thinks that party is defending this counrty. Why is the enemy so excited about the Democrats victory? Can someone please answer that question, amongst a host of other questions I have posed? Why is Al Qaeda happy the Democrats won the last election? Can a Democrat, on this board, answer the previous question for me? It is extremely concerning to me, considering, we are talking about the enemy?!