A recent news story got me thinking about abortion...

It was a story on one of the networks about a pregnant woman who was murdered and how her husband is a suspect. Before I go on I'll give my stance on abortion so people wont misunderstand where I'm coming from.

I'm not against abortion. I'm not for it either. I just don't care either way. (which some people would probably say makes me pro abortion) In fact my own girlfriend of 3+ years had an abortion, though it was before we met. I'm not religious, so I don't have those hang ups on the issue, nor do I feel its any of my business or concern what somebody does with their unborn fetus. On the other hand, do I think its a great thing or the best way to resolve things when you don't feel your ready to have a child? No. Thus my not really caring anyway. The only time I care enough to be pro abortion is when far right religious nut jobs claim a woman shouldn't be able to have an abortion even in the case of rape or incest. The only time I care enough to be against abortion is when far left liberal wacko's claim its ok to perform abortions all the way into the 8th month. (To me, when it reaches the point where it can be born prematurely and still have a very good chance of living, then its a baby and to kill it is murder.)

Now back to the point. It seems to me that most members of the mainstream media lean left and probably support abortion, which is fine. But why, of all the murders across the country everyday, do they always pick up on these pregnant women murders (see Laci Peterson) and run with them. Why does the public, even the ones who support abortion, bite on this? Why do they make these big, sad stories over these unborn children as opposed to a non pregnant woman being murdered when normally they would think an unborn child is nothing more than a fetus, no different than a growing toenail to be clipped and disposed of at your will?

And why, when a suspect is put on trial in one of these cases, is he charged with two murders? Or say a drunk driver hits a car driven by a pregnant woman and she miscarries. Well that's vehicular homicide. Why then isn't an abortion doctor seen as a murderer, or an aborted fetus seen as a living thing capable of being killed? I know some people will say "Well in one case the mother wants to have the baby and its killed, but in the other she wants the baby aborted." So what does that mean? A wanted fetus is a living fetus and an unwanted one is not? I don't think want, or lack there of, makes one any more or less alive than the other.

Like I said, I'm not against abortion and I don't want anybody to see this as a pro life rant. I just don't understand what ground this double standard has to stand on. I guess I would just like to see some consistency, no matter which side it falls on. Don't call it a fetus when you want to justify abortion and an unborn child when you want to make a sweeps week headline grabber or when you want to nail somebody with double murder charges.