What Movies do you Hate that Everyone Else Loves?

If this has been debunked already I apologize, but I had to stop right here and say something before I could go any further.

V for Vendetta began in 1982 and was completed in 1988. George Bush was elected in the year 2000. Kindly explain to me how a comic book written almost 20 years before his election is anti Bush propaganda? Please. And don't tell me the movie is completely different, it isn't. The changes made to the story were pretty minor.

V was written by an Englishman named Alan Moore, one of the greatest authors of all time, and it was in response to the growing conservative movement of the early 80's in Great Britian.

Edit: Another of Moore's stories the Watchmen will be coming to theatres soon. It is generaly regarded as the best story ever told in Graphic Novel format. It is about superheroes in a cold war era trying to prevent nuclear holocaust. I can't wait to see what it gets accused of being aggainst by people who won't realize it was written in 1986.

Heh. Even Alan Moore says they took his story and ruined it by turning into an anti-Bush hit piece. (What a dupe!)

It's been turned into a Bush-era parable by people too timid to set a political satire in their own country. In my original story there had been a limited nuclear war, which had isolated Britain, caused a lot of chaos and a collapse of government, and a fascist totalitarian dictatorship had sprung up. Now, in the film, you've got a sinister group of right-wing figures — not fascists, but you know that they're bad guys — and what they have done is manufactured a bio-terror weapon in secret, so that they can fake a massive terrorist incident to get everybody on their side, so that they can pursue their right-wing agenda. It's a thwarted and frustrated and perhaps largely impotent American liberal fantasy of someone with American liberal values [standing up] against a state run by neo-conservatives — which is not what "V for Vendetta" was about. It was about fascism, it was about anarchy, it was about [England]. The intent of the film is nothing like the intent of the book as I wrote it. And if the Wachowski brothers had felt moved to protest the way things were going in America, then wouldn't it have been more direct to do what I'd done and set a risky political narrative sometime in the near future that was obviously talking about the things going on today?"


Bush or no Bush, the movie was Godawful, IMO.