the VG board football thread

meh, it is what it is. Something's off. I like a lot of what buzd said above, and I'd like to add that Brees' injured knee might be a culprit as well. Also, Payton appears to be in a play-calling slump and Jahri appears to be quite comfortable with his recent windfall.

I'd actually enjoy this thinning of the herd if I knew they wouldn't all come rushing back when the saints start winning again. I'd be actively rooting for more events to get rid of these unbearable newbs. But I can't even be comforted by that side effect to the Saints losing, because I know as soon as they start winning again the noobs will return to throw grenades at my feet thinking they are helping me.

The best solution is for the Saints to find their winning ways again. It can't be that far off. I think Payton is the right guy to figure it out. He looked like the loss yesterday was burning him up, chapping his hide. He'll sort it out. It's too embarrassing to follow up last season with a dud.