Sharper not coming back? Per Jamie Dukes

I'll just throw this out there. There's a man I see every Wednesday on my job and we usually end up talking a little football, and he's been saying since the offseason that Sharper will never play football again.

I didn't believe him at the time but, he did say that he knows someone that has something to do with Sharper's medical situation, I didn't take note of exactly who he was talking about since I didn't believe him but, maybe someone who has something to do with the MRI's or something? not sure, but anyway, he swears that this guy told him that he didn't see how Sharper would ever play football again, and he was talking about from a medical standpoint.

I wouldn't have brought this up otherwise but since it's a topic, I just thought I would share this. I have my doubts about the guy who told me this because he's the type of guy who embellishes in knowing something no one else does, and since he's told me some off the wall stuff before that wasn't accurate, I assumed he was lying or at the very least, exaggerating about this for affect, but I'm getting curious now because if Sharper doesn't come back, it's gonna make me wonder if he was telling the truth all along.