I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

In the town I live in Southwest Kansas, there are many Mexicans who work at the local meat plant......well a few months ago the Immigration officers RAIDED the facilities, and lo, they found out that 75% of the workforce WERE ILLEGAL ALLIENS!!......Of course it was a huge news in town, but we knew that most of them were illegals, and was asking the officers what will happen to them?....

And then REALITY HIT them like a ton of bricks!......if they take these people back, the plants will have to close down, CAUSE NO AMERICAN WORKER WANTS TO WORK IN THESE PLANTS!......to make the story short....the INS had to back down, and let these people work (which they do to this day)

And here is the BIG QUESTION which Americans have to come to terms with....how can a free society EXIST, if they themselves aren't willing to do the work necessary to its survival??.....OK.... they want these workers to leave??.....are they ready to stop eating meat???....same goes with the produce industry! Today not EVERY JOB is high tech!!.....there are plenty of jobs from the OLD INDUSTRY which are IRREPLACABLE!!....and you know what?....there aren't workers to do these jobs!.....it's hard reality, but we have to re-evaluate our stance on certain subjects BEFORE WE UNILATERALLY DECLARE our preferences without understanding the ramifications our actions create!

I am a republican.....never voted democrat since I started voting, and I consider myself a Reagan republican.....but I just presented reality as is.......and tomorrow more illegal Mexicans will apply for jobs at the meat plants here.......and they will get hired, cause there isn't ANYBODY who will replace them!.......and more and more Americans want them out of the country, as they keep coming!!.......yet after work, all those Americans will go to eat at the local restaurants the meat and produce these ILLEGALS worked on!...... guess what the topic of the day is at the dinner table??

And pretty much the same goes with our commitment to our survival, regarding National Security......can we afford to lose the war, and then face the bombings here on our streets??.....we're certainly will be heading that way, if we chose to abandon Iarq!

I rest my case......

Bull. You can get Americans to do those jobs if you pay a decent wage. You cannot convince me for one second that if you pay a decent wage to workers in crop fields and meat plants, that you won't be able to find LEGAL Americans to do those jobs. We have go to stop companies from getting away with the crime of hiring illegals at $2.00 and hour and making a huge profit off of them. It's the legals who are suffering because of it.

And, as far as Iraq, who said it was part of the War on Terror? Believe me, it's not, and I fought there. Withdraw the troops in phases and use them to actually hunt terrorists instead of trying to officiate a civil war. If the new defense sec. and James Baker can change the way we do business in Iraq, then fine. But if we continue like we're are, get 'em out NOW.