I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

As you suggest, there are some things that can work, but I believe there needs to be a fundamental change in philosophy as it relates to the government assisting the poor. We have been doing essentially the same things for forty years without producing the stated desired results. And doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is futile, absurd, and as it relates to our tax dollars and needy citizens, bordering on criminal neglect, IMO.

Yeah Richard, I really do waiver on this issue. There are times I think it should all be cut out and make people work, but I know it isn't realistic. So, I agree that the system needs to be overhauled.

Having worked in the area, you would know better than I do if the "welfare mother" is a myth. I don't doubt some people do abuse the system, in fact, it could be many. When I say the "welfare mother is largely a myth" I mean that not everyone on welfare is abusing the system and not everyone on welfare wants to keep sucking of the system, or at least if they do, it because they lack the hope of ever being able to better themselves. Of course, I could be wrong, like I said I've never been in the trenches.

I guess in the end where I come down on this is that I am not a big fan of government welfare programs, but I know that in order for us to live in a decent society some for of safety net is required. I would like some sort of education involved and possibly a "workfare" system like Regan proposed years ago. I guess I just assume most people would rather work than live just above the poverty line by collecting government money. And maybe that's naive, but I think if people see an opportunity to better themselves, they won't choose to live that way.