the VG board football thread

Do you love it?

Actually I was just trying to by my first one a few minutes ago. I stood as the only person in line at Best Buy while 4 employees milled about and one tried to fill out some sort of paperwork (!!!) for someone buying a PS3 game. I lost my patience and thrust the box (twss) into the arms of the greeter and walked out.

We really need more electronic store options in this city. I know I'm going to find myself at a different Best Buy later today.

Edit: And you won't like this, Goose, but the Sony remote seems to be much more ergonomic and practical. than the Logitech variety Plus I can use the justification of a Bluray player for the other TV as part of my justification to Liz (ooh, she is not going to be happy :covri:)