the VG board football thread

Buzd is an official Reacharound credit ho. Doc and DoubleDown tried Medal of Honor, but Doc doesn't seem all that impressed. anita is getting his 360 fixed so he can occasionally play games with the rest of us. :hearts: Twenty got the You Laugh You Lose thread shut down, but I forgive him. Goose has confirmed that he really hates people.

I saw that buzd was well on his way before I left...

I talked with DD before leaving and bought MoH, but never opened it. Debating on returning it to get Fall Out NV, but then again I haven't opened Fallout 3 yet.

What exactly is anita going to play on the 360 with 'us'. BC2 is out, he is the only one that still has a copy of Blur (I'm guessing here), and he is king of 'meh' when it comes to Halo.

You Laugh You Lose is gone?! I'll have to hear the back story to this later. I'm sure the mod-edits have removed all evidence.

Concerning Goose's hatred for his fellow man... I can't say I blame him. Most of us (myself included) are pretty irritating at times. I just hope he someday finds that utopian paradise he is searching for where the world is nothing but man-cannons and DMRs and where alarm clocks only exist in department stores so we can set them to go off at random times during the day.